
Developer on the Stage Newsletter 3

Welcome to the 3rd newsletter for my upcoming book “Developer on the Stage”! In the last weeks, a lot has been going on. Here are the most important facts and plans:


The very good news is that I finished the first version of the book, had it proof-read by some readers, finished the layout for ebook and print version and setup everything in Kindle Direct Publishing. So, I am indeed ready to hit the big button (“publish” that is)!

I plan to release the book on Saturday 5th of June 2021. That is 3 days from now.

However, I can not promise the book to be available at this date because of some organizational details. I’ll let you know as soon as you can buy on Amazon.


Already a couple of weeks ago, the website went live. You can reach it here.

Besides basic information about the book and the author, it features some testimonials provided by proof readers and the subscription form for this newsletter. Feel free to share the link with anyone interested in the topic of the book!


Course? What course? Well, surprise!

Yes, there will be an online course on how to build your first IT-related talk, based on the book. This idea was brought to me by a very passionate fellow developer who has fun organizing interesting projects. We both see the course as an experiment. It will take place in fall 2021, after the book has been published, and will be held in German language only. Sorry English-speaking guys! :/ If you are interested in an English version of the course, please let me know so we can track the demand and maybe organize future courses. There is no signup yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as there is one.

And yes, this is definitively a thing you should forward to your friends and colleagues who are thinking about preparing their first talk!

That is all for now. See you at the release party! :D
