Cloudfoundry with OpenJDK 11 - Add JBP_CONFIG_OPEN_JDK_JRE
I just upgraded a Java project from Java 8 to OpenJDK 11. The project is running on a Cloudfoundry, using the Java buildpack. After successful deployment wit...
I just upgraded a Java project from Java 8 to OpenJDK 11. The project is running on a Cloudfoundry, using the Java buildpack. After successful deployment wit...
I spend the bigger part of yesterday figuring out why my Spring Boot app was not recognized as such in Pivotal Cloudfoundry app manager. The Spring Boot logo...
The other day, I wrote about “Candy Tasks”. These small tasks that can be completed in a few minutes and without much effort. If finished, they provide a nic...
This is what I learned in March 2019: During one of the HackTalk events, a series of community events I organize since a couple of years, I learned about...
Earlier, I decided to temporarily stop starting new projects to allocate resources to where I can make the greatest positive impact, and I reviewed my progre...
Earlier, I decided to temporarily stop starting new projects to allocate resources to where I can make the greatest positive impact. This is the promised sta...
The last months have been great in terms of good stuff happening both in my private and professional life. I’m very happy with the multiple projects I’m work...
This is what I learned in February 2019: I love GitKraken. However, it is/was one of the few tools I couldn’t use without touching my mouse. But using th...
While writing some Protractor tests yesterday, I came across this error: Failed: element not interactable (Session info: chrome=71.0.3578.98) (Driver in...