
Lessons Learned in March 2017

This is what I learned in March 2017:

  1. I wrote an article about using dependency injection via constructor instead of field injection. I knew that is the better way, but didn’t act accordingly. I changed that and wrote an article about it. :)
  2. I wrote an article about using Spring to implement a stage switch.
  3. Finally I got around visiting one of the biggest and best Java conferences in Germany, Javaland. It was special because of three things. First, it was my first visit of the conference and I can absolutely confirm the rumors about great speakers and a fantastic location. I really had a great time there and learned that I enjoy attending those events. Second, I visited the event with two people that really grew dear to me. Dmitrij and Lisa are both relatively new in the “wonderland of software craftsmenship” and enjoyed the trip and learned a lot. It was a pleasure seeing them have fun, meeting interesting people and getting in touch with the most recent topics in Java. What I learned about myself is that this direct support and the coaching afterwards is something that makes me happy and gives me purpose. It’s just great to share all that accumulated knowledge and use it to ease the way for others and help them make decisions. I’m lucky I could have these experiences with two of the most pleasant people I know. At the very end of the conference, I facilitated a legacy coderetreat together with Falk Sippach and the “last survivors” of the Javaland. Thanks Falk for that opportunity to work with you! The lessons learned here is that it’s great fun to have a talk / workshop with someone else. I should do that more often and already began planning to do another event with Falk.

(Photo: adrian825,