
Lessons Learned in August 2016

  1. Dmitrij, a fellow coworker, wrote a very nice JUnit 5 workshop. Here are the sources and Github pages.
  2. The other day, I installed a new Intellij IDEA onto my laptop. In the former installation, I always disabled the breadcrumb. This can be done by enabling the toolbar (View -> toolbar) and then disabling the navigation bar (View -> navigation bar). This will remove the breadcrumb.
  3. To have more participants in my regular developer meetings aka HackTalks, I advertised these events at After a using this platform a couple of months, I noticed two effects: There is a constant gain of new members of the group. Hence, the event gets attention. On the other side, just a handful of participants say that they visit the events because of the notifications on Nevertheless, I decided to continue using it to gain even more attention.
  4. There is a Wikipedia page for everything, even for Holidays in Romania. This is important to me because my team works from Romania and I have to know the holidays there to make the sprint planning and also have some cultural background. I added this to my article about remote working.
  5. Once again, I upgraded the project I get paid for. Since recently, I use the Maven Version plugin to check if all dependencies of my project are up to date. I added a step in the checklist of what to do in each sprint that reminds me of checking the versions at the beginning of each sprint. That way, we have the whole sprint to test if the new dependencies are working. You don’t want to do this a few hours before releasing. :)
  6. Since a couple of months, my role in the main project I’m working in has changed. Because of personnel turnover, my workload consisted of 90% management activities such as organizing work equipment for my team, participating in several meetings a week, doing a lot of telephone calls and managing the whole sprint as a Scrum Master. Additionally, I talked with the customer about requirements, specified them and transported this knowledge into my team. These tasks are the main reason why I didn’t publish that much technical articles in the last time. It was fun and I appreciate the new challenge it got me. After reflecting this time, I came to the conclusion that my main focus should be developing software, writing code. I already got things in motion to free me of the main load of my current management-tasks.
  7. I added some thoughts about inviting the customer to multi-view meetings to my article about remote working.

(Photo: adrian825,