
Lessons Learned in September 2017

This is what I learned in September 2017:

  1. Used for the first time. This map can hold multiple keys for every value. The keys have to be of the same type, however. Great for caching!
  2. In our team, we learned that creating Story Cards for the Scrum Board should follow a structured process with predefined and well-known steps. Sometimes, drafted stories have been forgotten and never made it to the backlog. We established a multi-step process for first drafts of stories to content-complete ones to first estimation to second estimation to “ready” as in “definition of ready”. That really helped us keep track of the status of our stories and what to do next.
  3. I noticed that my drive to write these lessons-learned-articles hasn’t been that big lately. In my preparation for the software engineering workshop next year, I tend to put everything I learn in several github repositories instead of articles or even bullet points in the monthly lessons-learned-articles like this one. I thought about pausing those articles for a few months. We’ll see.

(Photo: adrian825,