This is what I learned in March 2016:
- Installed and began using GitKraken. Pretty nice Git client!
- Enrolled in the Udemy course “Spring Core - Learning Spring Framework 4 and Spring Boot” by John Thompson because I want to gain a deep understanding of the Spring framework in 2016.
- I had the pleasure of facilitating an in-house coderetreat at my employer. The day was hard, but very rewarding for the participants. As reference implementation, I showed a pretty nice application by @TingelTino. Because of an unplanned, very long lunch break, I had to shorten three of five sessions. We had a 30-minute Ping Pong-, a 30-minute no-conditionals- and a 30-minute code-swap-session, which worked great. Also, we had fun talking about the implementation of the “no conditional”-challenge. I came up with the idea that the decision if a cell survives or not can be implemented with a map<Integer, Boolean> from amount of living neighbors to living/not living instead of a conditional. If you have the amount of neighbors, you can simply get an entry out of the map. The counting of the living neighbors can be implemented via a stream and map-operator.
- While working for a secret project (uhhh … mystery, mystery! :D ), I got to write a server using Jetty. That was astonishingly easy and quick.
- Since January, I try to do regular Code Katas. That doesn’t really work for me. I will not shoot the plan down yet, just a notion of the current status.
- I successfully organized the first HackTalk in Braunschweig. The HackTalk in Wolfsburg is an established monthly event in Wolfsburg and I’m glad that it will be in Braunschweig soon.
- Learned details about JUnit 5 by attending a talk given by Jens.
(Photo: adrian825,