Steven Schwenke's Picture

Steven Schwenke

My Name is Steven Schwenke. I am a passionate software craftsman and love to share my experiences.

Lessons Learned and News in December 2018

Lessons Learned and News in December 2018

This is what I learned in December 2018: Already a while ago, I began using the wonderful KeyJump extension in my browser Vivaldi. It allows mouseless na...

Using Spring's @value with Defaults

Some values of an application have to be provided from “the outside” of the application, for example the secret of a JSON Web Token (JWT). This secret must r...

Force https in Angular Application Deployed on Pivotal CloudFoundry

This will be a short one. I am working on an Angular 6 application that is deployed on a Pivotal Cloud Foundry, using the nginx-buildpack. With the default ...

Angular 6 on Cloud Foundry with URLs without Hash

This article is about deploying an Angular 6 application to Pivotal Cloud Foundry so that URLs without a hash can be used. First, some Angular background. A...

Agile Management Innovations

Somehow, I came across this great article about what to do to build a great work environment in an agile enterprise. In this short reflection, I want to high...

Lessons Learned in November 2018

Lessons Learned in November 2018

This is what I learned in November 2018: A coworker showed me GIT Graph JS, .a library with which you can create beautiful graphical representations of G...

My Favorite IntelliJ Idea 2018.3 Features

My Favorite IntelliJ Idea 2018.3 Features

This short article contains my notes when reviewing the last upgrade of my all-time-favorite-IDE IntelliJ IDEA. For more details, visit JetBrains. Multiline...

Book Review

Book Review "Java by Comparison"

Recently, I finished reading “Java by Comparison – Become a Java Craftsman in 70 Examples” by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard and Linus Dietz. This article is a b...

Lessons Learned in October 2018

Lessons Learned in October 2018

This is what I learned in October 2018: After creating some spies with Jest, I got a “cannot find name ‘jest’” error in Typescript. This article got the ...