Steven Schwenke's Picture

Steven Schwenke

My Name is Steven Schwenke. I am a passionate software craftsman and love to share my experiences.

I Love Bridging Days

I Love Bridging Days

The first two workdays of 2014 where a Thursday and a Friday. This was great because many people used these as bridging days. I didn’t. I got up early as usu...

Writing Great Software vs The Reality of Commercial Software Development

Writing Great Software vs The Reality of Commercial Software Development

In the past year 2013, I made several proposals to improve software development in my project. Some of them got implemented, like having agile meetings with ...

An Item of Our Team Culture - The Gollum.

An Item of Our Team Culture - The Gollum.

The other day I returned from lunch and I found Gollum sitting on my screen. Gollum is a little toy figure that is given to a developer in case he caused pro...

Updating an OSGI Based Software System from Java 6 to Java 7

Updating an OSGI Based Software System from Java 6 to Java 7

In this article, I want to describe how we managed to switch from Java 6 to Java 7 and get rid of some issues we found along the way. We use Eclipse 4.2.2 an...


Drupal "Updating modules and themes requires FTP access to your server"

“Just updating your Drupal modules” can become a time-consuming task. I just spend two hours doing that and fixing a misconfiguration on my server that caus...

Using your Mentoring Group as Peer Reviewer

One of my favorite concepts of self development is mentoring. My current mentor started mentoring me two years ago and has two mentees in total. One of the r...

Dealing with Estimations

One of my weak spots as a developer are estimations. I simply cannot estimate how long a software developing task will take. In this article, I write about h...

How to Detect Circular Dependencies with Degraph

How to Detect Circular Dependencies with Degraph

Recently, a good friend of mine blogged about Degraph. Degraph is a tool to visualize dependencies between packages. Not only are these dependencies shown i...

Lessons Learned Apache POI

In one of my recent articles, I wrote about my experiences in generating an Excel report with Apache POI. I want to complete my thoughts by summarizing my ...