
Taking Learning Notes in GitHub Equals Sharing Knowledge

Completing my LinkedIn profile, I discovered the projects feature that let’s you list past projects, and promptly added some GitHub references. It is interesting to review my activities on GitHub and see a pattern. Over the years, I regularly learned new programming languages, frameworks and methods that I documented as a GitHub repository. Beginning with unstructured text in a markdown file, some of these learning projects developed into full-grown workshops, while others were abandoned.

Up until now, I created more than 50 repos with ideas, examples and experiments. The most successful and biggest ones are workshops about Terraform, Docker and about how to develop in Java. I even gave lectures at the University of Wolfenbüttel and published the materials I used.

So, why am I writing an article about this?

Reviewing these repos, I realized how much knowledge and experience I converted from being implicit to being publicly accessible and explicit, just like a lot of other passionate development people do!

As a passionate software craftsman, I love to see how the IT community shares their insights freely. This is a stand-alone feature of our industry!

Technical IT people: Please take the time to write down what you learned and thought. You can use this data base for all kinds of talks, workshops and articles.