Steven Schwenke's Picture

Steven Schwenke

My Name is Steven Schwenke. I am a passionate software craftsman and love to share my experiences.

Miniseries Certified Scrum Master (1)

Miniseries Certified Scrum Master (1)

Nowadays, Scrum is everywhere. Eventually, it will come and get you. A while ago, it started to get me. In this and the following articles, I will document ...

New Mission Statement For My Work As A Software Developer

New Mission Statement For My Work As A Software Developer

There have been a lot of changes in the last months. My work as an employed software developer kind of got to a new level because of the changes in my projec...

Table to Table Transition in JavaFX

Table to Table Transition in JavaFX

Recently and with the help of my coworker Scavenger156, I implemented a nice animation to show interactions between two tables in JavaFX. In our application ...

OpenSource Workshop for JavaFX beginners

Last week, I gave a JavaFX workshop for my coworkers. It went very well and was a lot of fun! To share knowledge and make my work available to the community...

Screen capture with LICEcap

For my last JavaFX articles, I wanted to show the animated results directly at this website. At the time being, there’s no guarantee that a visitor can execu...

Extendable Navigation Pane in JavaFX

Extendable Navigation Pane in JavaFX

This week, I implemented a navigation pane in JavaFX that can be used to navigate within an application. It has four buttons with icons. At first, only the i...

Extendable Search Pane in JavaFX

Extendable Search Pane in JavaFX

Yesterday, I implemented an extendable search pane in JavaFX. Having searched the web for a ready to use component, I found that most of the search panes hov...

SSCCE - Short, Self Contained, Correct Example

Reading stackoverflow and blog articles about development, I came across many code snippets and examples. Also, as the author of blog articles and stackover...

JUnit tests with Ant and Hudson

One of my more persistent current problems is the setup of JUnit tests in our Hudson 3.1.1. After days of try and error, I still couldn’t manage to make it w...